YELLOWKNIFE ELKS LODGE Regulations REGULATIONSof theYellowknife Elks Lodge #314201501 March 2015 21. Membership / Fees1.1 Regular Member1.1.1 A Regular Member is entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Lodge.1.1.2 The annual fee for a Regular Member is $80.00, due and payable from January 1st of each year.1.1.3 A Member who pays their annual fee before January 15th of that year will have their fee discounted by $10.00discount.1.1.4 The annual fee of a new member will be prorated for the balance of the calendar year.1.2 Senior Member1.2.1 Any brother/sister Elk who has served the Lodge for 5 years or more and who has reached the age of 65 years,shall become a Senior Member of Elks Lodge 314.1.2.2 A Senior Member is entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Lodge.1.2.3 The annual fee for a Senior Member is $40.00, due and payable from January 1st of each year.1.3 Associate Member1.3.1 An Associate Member is entitled to use of the Lounge facility only. He or she is not a full member of the Lodge,and is not entitled to the associated rights and privileges.1.3.2 The fee structure for associate members is as follows:• 1 day membership $1.00• 10 day membership $5.00• 90 day membership $30.00• 1 year membership $80.001.4 Life Member1.4.1 For outstanding contribution to the Lodge, the Exalted Ruler may, with the approval of the Lodge, elevate aregular member to a Life Member.1.4.2 Life Members are entitled to all the rights and privileges of Regular Members of the Lodge.1.5 Honorary Member1.5.1 The Exalted Ruler may, with the approval of the Lodge, grant Honorary Member status to any brother/sister Elkwho has served the Lodge for 10 years or more and who is unable to pay his/her dues because of illness, age, orother unforeseen circumstances.1.5.2 An Honorary Member:• Shall be issued a membership for a specified period.• Shall have no membership fees collected.• Is subject to having their membership revoked by a majority vote of the members at any general meeting.1.6 Membership Categories1.6.1 The Management Committee may establish additional categories for membership.1.7 GST1.7.1 GST will be added to the price of all membership categories.2. New Initiates2.1.1 The Lodge shall not initiate a candidate who has not yet paid the annual fee, or where applicable, the proratedannual fee.2.1.2 A candidate for membership is not entitled to use of the Lounge facility. He or she is not a full member of theLodge, and is not entitled to the associated rights and privileges.2.1.3 Access to the lounge can be obtained through the provisions of Associate Membership.2.1.4 Associate Member fees paid in the current calendar year may be applied to the annual Lodge fee.3. Meetings3.1.1 The regular meetings of the Lodge shall be held on the first and third Monday evenings of the month, unless themeeting would coincide with a Statutory Holiday.3.1.2 The date of any regular meeting of the Lodge may be changed by the Exalted Ruler, with the approval of theLodge.3.1.3 The Lodge is in recess during July and August of each year.3.1.4 Meetings of the Lodge are scheduled to start promptly at 7:00 o’clock p.m.3.1.5 For special reasons given by the Exalted Ruler, any meeting may start at another time that may be moreconvenient.Lodge RegulationsYellowknife Elks #31433.1.6 The Exalted Ruler, with the approval of the majority of the members present, has the authority to expel anyperson from a meeting of the Lodge, for conduct unworthy or unbecoming of an Elk.3.2 Minutes3.2.1 The Minutes of the Lodge meetings, when completed, shall be distributed by e-mail to members who havesupplied their e-mail addresses. Copies of the latest Minutes will also be available for review by the membershipat the next scheduled meeting. Minutes of Lodge meetings may be adopted as amended or as distributed, at themotion of the members present.3.2.2 Minutes adopted at any meeting shall be signed by the Chair of the meeting and the recording Secretary for thatmeeting, and a copy shall be filed in the office of the Lodge.3.2.3 The Minute Book of the Lodge will be present at all meetings.4. Officers4.1 Elks Apparel / Regalia4.1.1 While it is recognized that the wearing of Elks apparel is optional, the officers of Yellowknife Elks # 314 areencouraged to wear their Elks apparel during Lodge meetings and when they represent the Lodge at publicevents.4.1.2 Members representing the Lodge at formal events are encouraged to wear regalia as appropriate.4.2 Elections:4.2.1 In the event of there being two or more candidates nominated for any office and upon a vote being taken, thecandidate receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be declared elected to that office.4.2.2 Every member in good standing who is present is entitled to vote at any election.4.2.3 The chair of the Nominating Committee shall manage and oversee the voting process.4.2.4 After the voting is concluded the election shall be declared closed. The presiding officer shall announce theresult to the Lodge, and shall declare the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast duly elected.4.2.5 A Member in good standing may be nominated for office if he or she is absent for the meeting where the electionis held, if he or she has, in writing, signified willingness to accept the nomination.4.3 Resignation:4.3.1 Any officer may present his resignation, in writing, at a regular meeting of the Lodge.4.4 Past Exalted Rulers4.4.1 The Lodge shall purchase a Past Exalted Ruler pin and ring for an Exalted Ruler who has successfully completedhis term of office.5. Committees5.1 General Duties:5.1.1 Each Committee shall meet and organize as soon as possible after its appointment, unless otherwise provided inthese Rules.5.1.2 A Committee Chair must be a member in good standing of Elks Lodge #314.5.1.3 If the Chair neglects to call a meeting, when required, any other member of the Committee is authorized to callthe Committee together and to take up the matters entrusted to the Committee by the Lodge.5.1.4 Each Committee shall:• Give diligent attention to the business entrusted to it.• Keep the membership informed on important developments affecting the Lodge.• Hold such meetings, as required and at the time determined by the Committee, to conduct the business andduties of the Committee. A quorum consists of not less than a simple majority of those serving on theCommittee.• Develop and maintain Terms of Reference specific to the committee, which shall be kept on file at theLodge office.• Complete and submit to the General Manager points sheets for members attending meetings.5.1.5 A member of any Committee who is an employee of the Lodge is not entitled to vote on or influence any matterin which he or she has a personal interest.5.2 Attendance:5.2.1 Meetings of the Committee shall be attended by the Committee members, and are open to all Members in goodstanding of the Lodge, provided a written request has been received by the Committee at least ten days prior tomeeting.01 March 2015 45.2.2 The Exalted Ruler is an ex-officio member of all Committees of the Lodge, but he or she is not compelled toattend Committee meetings.5.2.3 A special meeting of a Committee may be called at the direction of the Chair or the Exalted Ruler, or on therequest of a majority of Committee Members. All Committee members must be duly notified of the specialmeeting and the matters to be discussed.5.2.4 The absence of any Committee member from three consecutive regular Committee meetings without reasonableexcuse, shall be considered to constitute an act of abandonment,, and that Committee member’s position shall beconsidered vacant. The Exalted Ruler shall determine whether excuses are reasonable.5.3 Funds, Expenditures, and Reports:5.3.1 A Committee responsible for the expenditure of money or for the incurring of accounts for or on behalf of theLodge shall present, in all cases, a requisition or order for the payment of the money or for the delivery of goods.All such requisitions or orders shall be signed by the Committee Chair, and approved by the ManagementCommittee before the funds are committed.5.3.2 Each Committee shall promptly deliver to the Treasurer or to staff responsible for managing the accounts of theLodge, all money received by it on behalf of the Lodge, together with a detailed statement giving full particularsof all such receipts. The Treasurer or staff responsible for managing the accounts of the Lodge shall issuereceipts for all such monies delivered. The Committee shall maintain an adequate and complete set of records,and present them with a Financial Report to the Lodge.5.4 Fundraising:5.4.1 No Committee may conduct a fundraising endeavor without first submitting a detailed proposal to the Lodge,and receiving Lodge approval to proceed.5.5 Lodge Committees5.5.1 Lodge Committees hold office for the same term as Elected Officers.5.5.2 The Lodge Committees are:• Management Committee• Financial Assistance Committee• Membership Committee• Strategic Planning Committee• Scholarship Committee• Constitution and Bylaws Committee• Nominating Committee• Sports Committee• Social Committee• Publicity Committee• Habitat for Humanity Committee• Squadron Sponsoring Committee• Honey Bucket 50/50 Committee5.6 Management Committee5.6.1 Structure• The Management Committee is comprised of the Exalted Ruler, the Past Exalted Ruler, the Treasurer, andthree members elected at the Annual General Meeting.• The first named member serves as interim chair until such time as the members of the Committee select apermanent Chair.5.6.2 Duties• Assist the Exalted Ruler with the general management and supervision of affairs and operation of theLodge.• Assist the Treasurer with routine fiscal duties and annual budget management for the Lodge as well as allfinancial records and audit materials.• Direct and assist the General Manager with the maintenance and operation of the Lodge and its facilities.• Take responsibility for the employment, evaluation, compensation and termination of the General Manageras required.5.7 Financial Assistance Committee5.7.1 Structure• The Financial Assistance Committee is comprised of five members elected at the Annual General Meeting.Lodge RegulationsYellowknife Elks #3145• The first named member serves as interim chair until such time as the members of the Committee select apermanent Chair.5.7.2 Duties• The Financial Assistance Committee meets as often as required to review applications for financialassistance transmitted by the Lodge.• Requests for financial assistance received by the Lodge shall be transmitted in advance of any meeting ofthe Financial Assistance Committee to members of that Committee.• The Financial Assistance Committee shall present financial assistance applications received, to the generalmembership at Lodge meetings. The Financial Assistance Committee shall provide recommendationswhen requested to do so.• Any discretionary spending of an emergency request for financial assistance up to $2,000 must be approvedby a majority of the Lodge Executive after verifying with the Lodge Treasurer that the funds are available.Where this authority is exercised the Exalted Ruler shall report by information item to the next RegularLodge meeting.• Each application for financial assistance shall, within two months, receive a response from the Lodge as tothe disposition of the application.5.8 Membership Committee5.8.1 Structure• The Membership Committee is comprised of up to three members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.• The Chair will recruit additional members to the Committee, and ratify their appointment at a regularmeeting of the Lodge.5.8.2 Duties• In cooperation with the General Manager, Promote membership in the Yellowknife Elks Lodge• Receive and review applications for membership in the Lodge• Recommend to the Lodge candidates for membership in the Lodge.• Develop and maintain an accurate database of Lodge members.• In cooperation with the General Manager, maintain a database of other classes of membership that areconsistent with Lodge membership policy.• In cooperation with the General Manager, give notice to members when their membership is due to expire.• Whenever possible give an exit interview with members who do not intend to renew their membership.• Verify that membership fees to Grand Lodge and the Territorial Elks Association are paid.5.9 Strategic Planning Committee5.9.1 Structure• The Strategic Planning Committee is comprised of up to three members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.• The Chair will recruit additional members to the Committee, and ratify their appointment at a regularmeeting of the Lodge.5.9.2 Duties• Review short and long term goals in the most recent strategic plan for the Lodge• Implement actions to fulfill mandate or direction of current strategic plan.• Liaise with other committees to ensure uniform direction within lodge.• Inform lodge executive on issues that may be of concern or direction.• Assist the General Manager in the development of any evaluation mechanisms towards any function of theLodge.5.10 Scholarship Committee5.10.1 Structure• The Scholarship Committee is comprised of up of up to three members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.• The Chair will recruit additional members to the Committee, and ratify their appointment at a regularmeeting of the Lodge.5.10.2 Duties• Consult with the Management Committee to determine the annual budget.01 March 2015 6• Design an application process that provides the information necessary to allow a fair evaluation of thescholarship applications.• Design a rating system to fairly evaluate applications.• Carefully evaluate all scholarship applications.• Considering the budget, decide which applicants shall receive scholarships.• Inform all scholarship applicants of their decision in writing.• Provide the General Manager with a list of the successful applicants.• Provide the Lodge with a report of Committee decisions.5.11 Constitution and Bylaws Committee5.11.1 Structure• The Constitution and Bylaws Committee is comprised of up to three members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.• The Chair will recruit additional members to the Committee, and ratify their appointment at a regularmeeting of the Lodge.5.11.2 Duties• Inform the Lodge Executive on Bylaw or Regulation issues that may be of concern.• In consultation with the Management Committee, annually review the most recent Bylaws and Regulationsfor the Lodge.• Draft additions, deletions, alterations or replacements to the Bylaws and/or Regulations and present themfor approval by the Lodge at a general meeting.• Ensure that all changes to the Bylaws are registered by the Registrar of Societies and by Grand Lodge.• Ensure that all changes to the Regulations are registered by Grand Lodge.• Advise in any dispute or discussion concerning interpretation of the Bylaws and/or Regulations.5.12 Nominating Committee5.12.1 Structure• The Nominating Committee is comprised of up to three members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.• The Chair will recruit additional members to the Committee, and ratify their appointment at a regularmeeting of the Lodge.5.12.2 Duties• Identify and recommend to the Exalted Ruler candidates for each office. Candidates will made up ofqualified and knowledgeable members of the Elks Lodge 314 representing the best interests of themembership.• Where appropriate, interview proposed nominees.• Assess incumbent Officers for re-nomination to the Executive.• Manage and oversee the election of Officers.5.13 Sports Committee5.13.1 Structure• The Sports Committee is comprised of up to three members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalter Ruled.• The Chair will recruit additional members to the Committee, and ratify their appointment at a regularmeeting of the Lodge.5.13.2 Duties• Oversee Elks Lodge in house approved sports activities.• Promote Local Elks Member Participation in Local, Territorial and National Sports Events. (Darts, Pool,Crib, Etc.)• Organize the setting up of Lodge in house sports activities with the intention of handing off and enablingparticipant volunteers to administer the day to day running of event.5.14 Social Committee5.14.1 Structure• The Social Committee is comprised of up to five members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.• The Chair will recruit additional members to the Committee, and ratify their appointment at a regularmeeting of the Lodge.5.14.2 Duties• Organize and oversee the routine and special events specific to the overall social welfare of the Lodge, itsmembers and families.Lodge RegulationsYellowknife Elks #3147• Organize and oversee those events that recognize the contribution of members, groups and committees tothe betterment of the Lodge and its members.• Assist, from time to time, other committees of the Lodge to maintain and promote the enjoyment of theLodge by its members, their families and guests.5.15 Habitat for Humanity5.15.1 Structure• Habitat for Humanity Northwest Territories (Habitat NWT) is a partnership program of the Lodge. Assuch, it has its own Constitution and By-laws as governed by Habitat for Humanity Canada.• Habitat NWT has its own Board of Directors.• Habitat NWT will maintain a representative of the Yellowknife Elks Lodge #314 on their Board ofDirectors.5.15.2 Duties• Keep the Lodge informed of activity of Habitat NWT.• Seek assistance of Lodge members to assist with projects of Habitat NWT.• Ensure that proper sponsorship identification of the Lodge be maintained at all Habitat NWT builds andmajor events.• Seek financial assistance from the Lodge from time to time to promote the partnership of the Lodge inHabitat NWT.5.16 Squadron Sponsoring Committee5.16.1 Structure• The Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) is comprised of up to three members.• A Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler and shall be known as the Elks Liaison Officer (ELO).• The ELO will recruit additional members to the SSC, and ratify their appointment at a regular meeting ofthe Lodge.5.16.2 Duties• Report on activities of the 825 Yellowknife Elks Air Cadet Squadron (the Squadron) at regular meetings ofthe Lodge.• In consultation with the Treasurer of the Lodge, shall submit a complete budget for the annual operations ofthe Squadron, complete with justification of the budget request for inclusion in the operating budget of theLodge.• Ensure that all financial documentation of the Squadron is maintained in good order and that those recordsshall be made available to the Lodge and its appointed auditors, within 48 hours, on request.5.17 Honey Bucket 50/50 Draw Committee5.17.1 Structure• The Honey Bucket 50/50 Draw Committee (HB Committee) is comprised of up to five members.• The Chair shall be appointed by the Exalted Ruler and shall be known as the Honey Bucket Chair.• The Honey Bucket Chair shall recruit additional members of the HB Committee and will ratify theirappointment at a regular meeting of the Lodge.5.17.2 Duties• Manage the administrative function of the HB Draw to ensure that the integrity of the Draw is maintainedaccording to Lodge policy and good financial accounting procedures.• Manage the collection of funds, maintenance of draw boxes, registration of players and selection of winnersof the HB Draw.• Promote the HB Draw to enhance participation of players• Oversee disbursements of funds as per policy of the Lodge.• Maintain a backup system of records for all facets of the HB Draw.6. Delegates to Grand Lodge Convention and Territorial Conference6.1 Expenses Covered6.1.1 Delegates attending the Grand Lodge Convention and Territorial Conference are eligible to have the followingexpenses reimbursed by the Lodge:• Registration fee as published by the Host Lodge• Single hotel accommodations as published by the Host Lodge brochures.• Air travel will be reimbursed on the basis of the most economical airfare that is practical, and shall notexceed the price available at the time the delegates are elected.01 March 2015 8• Should a delegate choose to attend by vehicle, he or she shall be reimbursed at a kilometer rate of 35 centsper km each way, provided the charges do not exceed the cost of the most economical airfare.6.1.2 The following conditions apply to this funding.• The member must attend 50% of Lodge meetings in the year prior to the event.• A member who receives remuneration must attend the sessions.• The member must be eligible to vote at the Convention or Conference.• Sufficient notice has been given to the Lodge.• The fees and remuneration claimed must not be paid by some other body of the Order.• The member has earned enough volunteer points in the year(s) preceding the event, in accordance withAppendix C.• The member contribution as outlined in Appendix C will be deducted.6.2 Automatic Delegate6.2.1 The Lodge will pay full expenses as outlined above when the Exalted Ruler attends an official Convention,Conference or Meeting of the Order.6.3 Elected Delegates of the Lodge6.3.1 The number of delegates elected to attend Grand Lodge Convention or Territorial Conference shall bedetermined by the Lodge on an annual basis, having due regard for funds allotted in the annual budget for theseevents. Should more than one delegate be elected, the elected delegates will evenly divide the remainder of thebudget allocation after the Exalted Ruler is reimbursed.6.4 Reporting6.4.1 The delegates shall submit a report of expenses incurred for the approval of the Management Committee.7. Loans and Obligations7.1.1 The Lodge does not have the authority to lend funds to any of its members, or to any other natural or corporateperson.7.1.2 Members of this Lodge, whether serving upon Committees or in their private capacity, have no authority to incurexpenses in the name of or on account of the Lodge.8. Lodge Books8.1.1 The Lodge shall keep the following books:• A current copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of Elks of Canada• A book of Minutes of Proceedings of the Lodge• A Membership Ledger containing the name of each member, his or her birth date, residence, the date of hisor her initiation or affiliation, and if applicable, the date and cause of the termination or suspension of his orher membership• A Member’s Official Register, to be signed by all members attending meetings.• Such books as may be necessary to clearly present the receipts and accounts of the Treasurer• A consolidation of the Bylaws of the Lodge9. Bereavement Remuneration9.1.1 In the event of a death of a member or spouse of a member, the Exalted Ruler shall be notified and either he orhis appointee shall contact the bereaved family in order to ascertain a suitable offering that can be made for theLodge to express its sympathy. The offering will be in the discretion of the Exalted Ruler.9.1.2 In the event of a death of a member or spouse of a member, should the family require a place for the receptionfollowing the funeral or memorial, a Lodge facility may be donated at no cost.9.1.3 Upon the death of a member and on approval of the Lodge, a $ 300.00 donation may be made to the Fund forChildren to purchase a page in the Golden Book of Memories. The amounts expended during the year will bededucted from the overall budgeted donation to the Fund for Children.10. Rentals for Family Functions10.1.1 A member may rent, subject to availability, a Lodge facility on his or her own behalf or that of an immediatefamily member (spouse, child or parent) for 50% of the regular rate.11. Withdrawal and Expulsion of Members11.1 Voluntary Resignation: Lodge RegulationsYellowknife Elks #314911.1.1 A voluntary resignation from the Lodge may be granted at a regular meeting of the Lodge to a member applyingin writing or upon whose request the Lodge Secretary has applied, provided that the applicant surrenders hismembership card, is not in debt in any manner to the Lodge or club and has no charges for misconduct pending.11.2 Resignation Issued:11.2.1 A resignation will be issued for non-payment of dues, when a member is in arrears for a period of two months,and payment is not then made within 30 days of written notice being mailed to him at the last address providedto the Lodge Secretary.11.3 Reinstatement:11.3.1 A member who is reinstated retains his or her prior years of service.11.3.2 A former member wishing reinstatement shall follow procedures as established by the Grand Lodge of the Elksof Canada.11.4 Disciplinary Procedures11.4.1 Disciplinary procedures may be taken against any member of the Lodge upon two general grounds:• Violation of obligation• Conduct unbecoming an Elk.11.4.2 Disciplinary action shall follow the procedures established by the Grand Lodge of the Elks of Canada.12. Appendices12.1.1 The following appendices form part of these regulations:• Appendix A House Policy• Appendix B Financial Assistance Policy• Appendix C Volunteer Points Policy Let's Start a Conversation Name Email Address Subject SubjectCosultationBlog WritingCopy Writing Message Submit Message