Charity & Community Work

The Elks thrive on community and charitble volunteering and contributions.  The following are some examples of the Elks’ involvement in Yellowknife.  (See Financial Assist for more information on applying for funding.)

825 Yellowknife elk’s Air Cadets

Since 1972, the Elks have been a proud sponsor of the 825 Yellowknife Elk’s Air Cadet Squadron, a Canadian Forces program open to youths ages 12-18 who are interested in developing citizenship, leadership skills and have an interest in flight and flying.

Most recently, the Elks played a key role in providing a new facility for the Cadets Squatron by designing and building a vestibule at Yellowknife’s recently-completed indoor soccer field.  The vestibule includes a reception desk, concession stand and secure playground for all soccer field users.


Elks Lodge #314 is a proud sponsor of Habitat for Humanity NWT.  The Elks and Habitat for Humanity have partnered to complete several builds.  Visit their website for more information.


The Elks has been proud to support other community initiatives in Yellowknife, including a $400,000 start-up grant for the Yellowknife Ski Club in 1997, a $100,000 donation to the Baker Centre and continuous donations to the Stanton Hospital audiology department, now called the Elks Hearing Centre.

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