Membership is open to any person of good reputation who is a believer in a supreme being, adherent of lawful government, and who has attained the age of 16.
All applicants for membership must complete a membership application form and be proposed by a member in good standing at a regular meeting of the Lodge. Once the Lodge Secretary informs the Lodge that the applicant has paid all necessary dues and fees, members vote on the admission of the candidate.
If approved, a date for an initiation is set. Once initiated by the use of a special and meaningful ceremony, the member is equally entitled to every privilege of membership. In addition to all Lodge privileges, members are entitled to sign in 3 guests to the Elks Club, a members-only club.
Annual membership dues are $80.00 + GST. Dues for seniors (65+) are $40.00 + GST.
To start the process, complete and return an application form (available online or at the Elks Club and Lodge) to the Elks Lodge.